(Website & Server: 13.04.2007 – 03.12.2015)


We Are Joining FFSGAMING Community

Too long, did not read
Forum and server will close; we will move some clans subforums, old cross, old red, WFF and RT on forum of FFS; I am stepping away from leader's position and will remain tournaments organizer; no forum or server admins from us on FFS server.

Now for those who want to read.

Why closing?
Lately too many things happened. I think you all know what is it about: constant arguments, lack of players on server while our donators pay for it like 102-104 euro per month, having to hire a scripter that would be paid aswell because Uncle Vlad can't work all the time as you can guess, lack of interest from players shown in losing players if we fail somewhat and not gaining new players on every new update, feeling that I am not ready to be leader anymore because I could stop arguments and conflicts but did not do enough for that, lot of reasons actually. Please, do me a favour last time and don't argue in comments here, let's just keep discussion in matter of questions "how to" about new community.

What we lose?
- we will have no admin rights on their server or forum, as it is community based around only one clan which can have admin rights. I am very sorry to our forum admins. Please write me privately so I could explain you how to get along with new community and forums
- we will not have 'democracy' which means arguments, being rude and bad sarcasm become useless now as you may get banned according to rules (personally I find it a positive change though)
- we lose our forum, the part which makes me sad the most, but we could not keep it up with all the issues we had last weeks
- new forum has no so called "jobs" like awards, usergroups or karma stuff, so no jobs for our admins, so no admins as well
- our main server will be closed too (nobody plays there anyway)

What we get?
- new server has 600 players!!!!!! it also has nice scripts and lot of maps we miss
- we will be able to recreate all the subforums of clans that are part of DDC and participate in RT
- we recreate subforums of old cross and old red, nothing changes about them, they keep working same way as they were
- we recreate subforums of WFF and RT, they will continue after moving, but we will restart registrations of WFF and move it's schedule for 2 weeks, so it starts at 19.12.2015. So RT will move for 2 weeks in february too. Mind that players who want to participate in WFF need to register in tournament again, now on FFS forum (mainly doing it because many specified "notify me about groups by PM" but what PM can we talk about if we close this forum in a week). Register here: (I know that link does not work yet, sorry. Retry a bit later, will work in an hour or so)
- you get a community with lot of players and may restore your interest to MTA due to being involved in not just a mini-server with 20 players at evening spread by 6 arenas
- no so called 'democracy' which means only normal people are there and no arguments else you get banned
- instead of losing everything, we save a big part of it and improve, basically we get the server without having any effort to pay for it, which is pretty good. You don't know how thankful I am to people who helped to save it

Now about what to do if you want to follow our new home.

What clanleaders need to do?
If you are one of RT clans leaders, you need to confirm if you agree to move your subforum and ready to start remaking topics there. Please write in both comments and my PM here if your clan is moving, and send me by PM links to 3 moderators profiles on FFS forums. You can search for members on FFS forum using this link: or open sending PM interface and start writing name of member, you will see options to choose
If you disagree to move, you will not get a subforum there and will not be considered as playing in RT next season.

What WFF lemon organizers and official referees of RT and WFF should do?
Register at using your current ingame nicknames and send me a message in skype or PM here about that. I will explain you what should you do as referee there and how system works. Better if each of you dedicated some time to message me in skype.

What others who want to keep being around need to do?
Register at using your current ingame nicknames and get along with how it works, people around. Please, if you have poor english, don't embarass players there with it. If you are old red or old cross crew member - send me PM here with links to your FFS profiles.

For FOTL members
FOTL will not have many teams anymore like lemon, red, dm, it will be only one team. We made a little 'cleaning' of FOTL memberlist today and those are members who are out of FOTL from now on: Shokkz (joins 6s), D4n1eL, Space, Mouse, Ruurd (closing shooter team), Yigi, Alejo, Dragon95, Mattowski, Samuelowski (removed for inactivity). Others members I did not name are technically still in clan and can obtain clan tag by simply returning in game.
All the other FOTL members have to do this:
- register at
- send your profile link on FFS forum to SoundBeat using skype or PM here or on FFS. His profile on FFS is
- he will add you in clanpack on FFS server so you could play with [FOTL] tag. Till it's done, you can play with FOTL\\ tag

- We should finish moving during this week
- WFF registrations topic will be opened again on FFS forum and we will start tournament at 19th of december. This will move RT for two weeks aswell, but I suppose it will be better. Stay tuned to see new registrations topic opened probably tomorrow or in thursday. Especially for McKisser, we will adjust maplist!
- Maybe best admins who will move with us and stay active there will later be considered by FFS admins as responsable enough to get some permissions there, I don't know, just giving a clue to be friendly and good and not to disappear because you suddenly became not admin - everyone needs mature players who used to work a lot, and if you don't have anything right after moving, it does not mean that will be like this for ever
- No, old red/cross admins, rules and crew don't change, only address of subforum changes for them. Basically nothing changes for old red and old cross
- current news are mirrored here for FFS players
- WFF and RT will be played on FFS cw servers and using FFS forum to send notifications, so make sure you registered there
- No, members who were banned there will not get unbanned because of moving

Now please, write only questions related to organizing and moving. All the tries to start arguments in topic will be deleted. Please leave your questions in comments to that thread.

Yours truly,