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AMT Track or deco? I only used those dockbars with AMT, all the deco is hand made. :/
To be honest, my friends were right, MTA got some shit people.
N[2]o v1 :d
Attachment 2685Attachment 2686Attachment 2687
Really? Idc if it was a v1 or a v10, but if its not in anyway decent I would still respect their work, just not amazed on by it.
A tip is make sure you like the parts that you made. Chances are if you have a slight concern(failing on a part, ugly deco etc) on your map, imagine what other people say. Take more time to do it until it can be something that you'll be proud to release. Perfect example is SlowSheep on how he redo his v1 for 3-4 times(or so I've heard).
"There went something wrong"..