Hey guys,
I was thinking about leaving for a quite while now and now I made my decision. It's been a few years since I've joined FFS, and I have to say that I've actually enjoyed my time (expect the last few months)
First of all I'd like to thank every single member that I had more or less contact with and for all the nice moments we had together. I would generally thank FFS for the stupid conversations in Skype groups that made me laugh at some point, for all the hate inside the team, also for giving me the chance to become more popular and I would also thank leaders and innovators, and who ever else was involved in the progress, for making FFS what it is now. I've been playing here since 2010 and it's just amazing to see what happened during all these years. I'm proud to say that I was a part of you at some point :) I surely don't regret it and I'm thankful for all the people I met and the experience I've gained here and there.
However, during the last month/s I kinda noticed that I'm not really, well let's just say "needed" anymore. I back then used to improve OS rooms - such as map fixing, uploading new stuff etc. And I honestly never thought I would achive this much, but the times are over. I don't really get involved into new stuff anymore even tho I tried to offer my help several times
and leaders are telling random rumors about me.
I feel like a toy people used to play with a lot and now it's just laying in the corner, because there is something new to play with. But that's a different sory...
However, time goes on and so do I.
I enjoyed making maps for the server and will surely keep going, since I still have tons of ideas in my mind that I wanted to map.
However, this is not a leaving MTA thread, I'm just leaving the Clan for my own goods.
I enjoyed my time as admin, especially as Head of OS. I've had a lot of fun improving the arena itself and also moderating it.
I hope you guys are satisfied with the work I did, but I simply don't want to be an admin anymore due to several reasons.
I know that there are some people happy to see me leaving the clan - fuck you at this point :)
Shoutout to those who actually motivated me and appreciated my work over all these years!
I didn't want to put every single reason in this thread. If you are actually interested and would like to know what was going on – hit me up.
So yea, that's basically it. No need to turn this into another drama.
Dear FX fellows, I'm back.
Best Regards,