is a clan-based tournament that has 13 DM maps with hunter fights. The main goal is to survive as last player alive. Players are racing to reach the Hunter in order to eliminate others.
Team must have 5 members driving as the most, other clan members should press enter on start of each round.
Clan missing a game gets disqualificated from L7 DM, all clans (even those who played against them already) get 13:0 in final results.
Any clanmember can request a free round by saying "free" not later than 5 seconds after countdown.
Limit of free maps is 5 per clan, after that referee may refuse your request.
Games may have many spectators, over than 50. If you are lagging with many spectators, better to avoid participating.
In case of repeating time outs - prior and during a round - there will be no compensation. You are fully responsible to ensure a working PC and internet connection on match day. Even in case of suspected "DDoS" attacks. Information to prevent yourself from such attacks will be handed out. If any repeatedly timeouts occur, we will not wait any longer than a total of 10 minutes. After that the match will simply continue.
In case of someone behaving the way that makes him banned for this or another reason (i.e. insulting and dodging mutes, reconnecting to avoid being muted, or unmuting himself), we reserve rights to exclude player from tournament for future. Please make sure your members behave sane.
Clanleaders should provide list of 15 players with their serial numbers by registration dates: 15.07 and 03.10. Only players that were registered in mentioned days, are able to play up until the next registration date.
That means, if your clan provided list of 15 players by 15 july, then accepted new player week later, he is unable to play until 03 october when you can register him. Also, if player left your clan after 15 july, he still can play for your clan until 03 october.
Make sure that your L7 DM roster has some more different players than your L7 roster to prevent situations when same players have to play four games per month. Notice that there are games in L7 DM and L7 in same weekend, so try to avoid having exact same players in both rosters.
One player can play only for one team in same time. No "two players on same serial" allowed. If there are two players using same serial number in two different clans, only one of them will be registered (the one that registered earlier).
How many teams participate?
9 teams are playing with each other according to the schedule below.
What will be the maplist?
Every tour has 13 maps that are common for all the games during the tour by next system:
- clanleaders picked 4 maps for duration of whole tournament: Micra v12 - Russian Lullaby, DC v.11 - Maximal Crazy, BuDyA -Vol 9- A Day To Remember, Andershell vol. 4 - Pure Skills Paradise
- remaining 9 maps will be picked by clanleaders, same maplist for two consecutive tours 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and new maplist for tour 9
- clanleaders of teams provide 1 map they would like to play up until wednesday, 23:59 of the week before the tour. Maps should not repeat other maps same clan provided during tours before; provided map must be made not by clan member
- if clanleader fails to provide a map before given time, or two clanleaders provided same maps, organizer picks another known map
- maps should be picked from text file clanleader receives, there should be no maps that aren't in that file/no maps that they plan to upload
What is the points system?
Winning team is the team that has player who remains last alive (if one of players reached hunter) or team who has player who reached furthest on the map (if nobody got hunter). Winner is the team who reaches 7 points first, game will continue until all 13 maps are played though.
Who will organize clans?
Each clanleader makes sure his clan arrives on the server in the given time.
How to join your clan on L7 DM server?
When clan member joins the server before the game, he should wear his clan tag. If he sees the scoreboard with his clanwar on right side of screen, he needs to write /join hisclantag (i.e. /join ffs, if you're ffs member). You can do it only if you're wearing the clan tag.
Clanleaders should make sure that team has 5 players driving as the most, and the rest of clan members keep pressing enter.
Can we move our game?
We can't move any game.
When do we play?
Matches are held at 18:00 or 19:00 at weekends by
German time zone. Check correct time by next link:
Where do we play?
We play L7 DM in same time as our WFF tournaments, so we will play them on new server "FFS CW server":