1. 06-03-2015, 01:30 • #2
    3 necrophiles talk.

    First asks:
    -After how many time do you prefer to fuck?
    For example, i always do it after 8 hours so it's still hot.

    Seond sais:
    -I usualy wait 3 days untill it's cold.

    Third joins the conversation:
    -After 6 months
    (other two looks weird at him) - but why?
    -Well, you simply can't miss a hole.

  2. 06-03-2015, 02:01 • #3
    Paraplegic people go to hell because there's a stairway to heaven not a ramp
    Last edited by XeaT; 06-03-2015 at 12:03.

  3. 06-03-2015, 02:54 • #4
    -Dad, dad, what's abortion?
    -Ask your sister
    -But dad, i don't have one
    -That's what i'm talking about.

  4. 06-03-2015, 03:31 • #5
    What's the difference between a Taliban outpost and a Pakistani elementary school?
    I don't know, I just fly the drone!

  5. 06-03-2015, 08:14 • #6
    A man cheats on his girlfriend Lorraine
    with a woman named "Clearly".
    Lorraine dies suddenly.
    At the funeral, the man stands up and sings,
    "I can see Clearly now, Lorraine is gone."
    __________________________________________________ _______

    An old man and woman hate each other, but remain married for years.
    During their shouting fights, the old man constantly warns his wife,
    "If I die first, I will dig my way up and out of the grave to come back and
    haunt you for the rest of your life!"
    One day, the man abruptly dies. After the burial, the wife goes straight to the
    local bar and begins to party. Her friends ask if she isn't worried about her
    husband digging himself out of the grave.
    The wife smiles, "Let the old bugger dig. I had him buried upside down!"

  6. 06-03-2015, 13:16 • #7
    A woman came to the morgue to identify her husband who got ran over by a truck. The policeman asks:
    - Do you recognize him?
    - Hmm.. Picasso maybe?
    1 Like

  7. 07-03-2015, 11:03 • #9
    Attachment 21506

    Attachment 21507
    Last edited by d0ggy; 07-03-2015 at 11:09.

  8. 07-03-2015, 14:47 • #10
    How to make a 5 year old girl cry twice? Wipe the blood off your penis with her teddy bear. (Found it in YT comments)

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